The decision between buying an original and a fake implies that one actually has the power or financial clout to buy a designer handbag if they wish. There are some times during the year when this is true. In the January sales quite a few designer bags are reduced to the price of ordinary top-end, high-quality non-designer handbags and so are affordable. There is also birthday time when payouts from various relatives mean a big cash injection that one can blow on a designer bag. In these circumstances (because they occur so infrequently) one can be forgiven for having that ‘must get’ attitude.
Splashing out on a signature designer handbag is a good feeling. Especially as it’s been a year since you bought your last one. This bag will help define your fashion year and has the power of making you look like your worth a few bob. Carrying round a £1000 Gucci bag gives one an air of respect and perhaps an illusion of financial security to others at the office, on the train or even at the dentist’s. In short, for a women, it is the secret to happiness…..
Fake handbags do not quite carry that same air. If they are obvious fakes, they make the owner look like someone who does not care for accuracy or proper fashion accessories. This is in varying degrees depending on the age of the owner. For a teenager, one can be proud that they are aware of the importance of good-looking handbags at such an early age, despite having a small budget.
For grown women, fake handbags are simply unattractive. Carrying round a Pucci handbag or worse Dukki handbag (as I saw yesterday on the bus) does not look good. Save up and spend or stretch the budget to a better looking fake. Better still, buy a non-branded handbag.