Simple – why buy one handbag with enough figures to make you faint, when you can buy at least 10 fake ones for the same price. Let’s face it – even if we have that one favourite designer handbag we will inevitably want to use more than one handbag in a year. And not every handbag is created equal – handbags come in all shapes, colours, textures and sizes, each with its own use. Why limit yourself to just one? Replica bags can be made of exactly the same materials as their designer counterparts yet cost a tenth or less of the price – and all that just because of a label.
Here’s a question – is the average woman really a discerning fashion expert in disguise? Chances are no, they wouldn’t be able to tell a good knock-off from the real thing. However, if you’re strutting around town with a brand new faux Birkin bag, and you’re dressed like you do your fashion shop at the local charity store, someone’s going to catch you out.
To some, buying a real designer bag and showing it off to your friends is a great moment in any woman’s life. Not only does your ego soar to the high heavens, but there is the added bonus of watching your friends turn a slight shade of green – bliss.