Women often carry bags with them whenever they go out. It’s an important accessory they can’t live without.
Every woman carries a bag when she goes to the office, go out on a date, go to the grocery store or bring the kids to school. Some, however, don’t seem to care how to match their bags with their outfit even if they own those quality brands. So here, we share tips on how to do it right so the next time you go out, you make heads turn and carry yourself with more confidence.
First, take into account the clothes you’ll be wearing for that particular day or night before picking a bag to go with it. Depending on where you are going, it can be casual, classic, dressy or trendy.
The color is a very important consideration. If you’re going to wear a neutral colored outfit, you can choose a bag in bright color. A bag with patterned design but again in bright colors will also be a good match.
If you choose an outfit in vivid colors, you can use a black or brown bag. Colors need to be complementary.
Avoid matching the color of your dress or outfit with your bag. It’s never a good idea but rather boring to look at.
The size of the bag should also be considered. Make sure it is proportional to what you’re wearing. If you’re attending a formal or semi-formal occasion that requires you to be in a gown or cocktail dress, a clutch bag will do.
If you’re in a sundress or maxi dress in printed design, you can use a giant handbag.
For those who wish to use a patterned handbag with a patterned outfit, do make sure the colors match.
Finally, the bag’s length need to work together with your body. Shoulder bags need to be at a length that’s flattering on your body. Those with large hips should use a handbag that hangs up to the waist while those with large waists should use a handbag with longer strap.
Photo via fashionmike